Questions to Ask Your Fertility Specialist At Your First Appointment

The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult your doctor, or a mental health professional, for the most appropriate treatment.
There is truth in the saying “knowledge is power,” but when it comes to fertility, it can be so overwhelming that we often don’t know what we don’t know.
Experiencing fertility challenges may make you feel helpless and hopeless, but you can take proactive steps and get answers from your fertility specialist (reproductive endocrinologist or RE). This fertility doctor can diagnose fertility issues and recommend fertility treatment options, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF), so you are better prepared to pursue your dream of creating or growing your family.
Before your first fertility appointment at an RE, start by gathering some basic information (relevant medical history) and resources from your OB/GYN. Also, make sure you get copies of your critical paperwork sent to the fertility clinic, as well as having copies for yourself. This paperwork may include test results, diagnoses, and treatment notes from your healthcare providers, such as your primary care physician and/or OB/GYN, related to medical conditions or fertility challenges for you and your partner.
As you prepare for your first fertility consultation with your RE, it’s also helpful if you bring a brief description of what you know your situation to be and the general timeline of your fertility journey. This way, you can bring the RE up to speed very quickly when you first arrive. This information might include notes about your menstrual cycle and ovulation, how long you’ve been trying to get pregnant, what medications or supplements you and your partner take, and any family history of infertility. If you already have any diagnosis documents and blood work reports, mark what you don’t understand and perhaps write specific questions related to your medical information. If your first appointment is through telehealth, we can help you prepare—check out this guide to find out what to have with you, what to expect, and what to ask.
Preparing for your visit with the RE
Go to your initial consultation armed with a list of questions that can help you make an informed decision:
- Based on my workup (diagnostic tests, genetic testing, blood work) so far, what fertility challenges are we facing? Do you recommend further fertility testing and if so, what kind?
- What treatment options do we have, and which treatment plan do you recommend?
- What are the success rates for these treatments? Can you show me recent statistics for chances of success (for pregnancy and/or live birth rates)?
- How long is the process for each of the procedures you think I should consider?
- Will the treatment hurt? What are the side effects?
- How should I plan to adapt my life while undergoing the treatment you recommend for me? Are there any lifestyle changes you recommend making now?
- Whom can I talk to about treatment costs, insurance coverage, and payment plans?
- Can your office offer counseling or can you recommend a therapist to help me deal with this process?
Of course, it would be ideal if all of your questions could be answered on your first visit, but for the big one—will I be able to have a baby?—a committed working relationship with your RE is a great start.
It’s important to remember that you’re not in this process alone and that you have someone knowledgeable, experienced, patient, and compassionate guiding you on your path to fulfill your dreams of making a family. You can also connect with a fertility coach to help with guidance and support throughout your fertility journey.