Why I Decided to Freeze My Eggs in My Mid-30s
The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult your doctor for the most appropriate treatment.

I was terrified to freeze my eggs. It was never something I imagined I would ever do. In fact, for many years, I was adamant about not doing it, proclaiming confidently, “If I am meant to have children, then I will have them. I trust the universe!”
My tune changed quickly when I was nearing my mid-30s. I had recently gotten out of a serious relationship and a dear friend of mine kindly pulled me aside and shared all the reasons why I should “preserve my fertility.” So…why?
Well, my new dating life had begun to take on an unhealthy energy. After each date, I found myself frantically creating equations in my head of how long I would need to be with someone before I inevitably had their child. The (self-imposed) pressure suffocated me and I knew I would not be able to meet a partner with this negative mindset. Let’s add in witnessing my friends settling down, paired with the societal messaging of my ticking biological clock. I finally began to explore my options.
This “exploration” took two years. I first visited a fertility specialist in the summer of 2022 for a full work up (including bloodwork and an ultrasound). I then did not start my fertility medications until nearly two years later to the day. I told you, I was nervous! I did have to recheck my levels all over again once I was ready to start the cycle, and my AMH (Anti-Müllerian) levels had dropped a relatively significant amount in that time.
For me, the fear was really around going under anesthesia. I had only done it one time many years prior for a sinus surgery. I am not someone that likes to feel out of control. Plus, I had concerns about the day-to-day impact of the whole egg freezing process. I run a creative marketing company and I was worried about how my emotions and physical state would interfere with daily operations.
That said, I did it, and I’m here to share that it was one of the bravest things I have ever done. Someone once told me that egg freezing is an act of self-care. It really is. When I completed my cycle, I felt as if a weight had been lifted and my entire approach towards dating, and even life, shifted.
Someone once told me that egg freezing is an act of self-care. It really is. When I completed my cycle, I felt as if a weight had been lifted and my entire approach towards dating, and even life, shifted.
Now of course, there is no guarantee with anything, but I like the comfort of knowing that my eggs are on ice and hopefully I never have to use them. I chronicled my whole experience on social media and have two special podcast episodes where I even share how many eggs were frozen.
Decisions for your body should never be taken lightly, and egg freezing is certainly not for everyone. There are heavy emotional and financial factors that need to be taken into consideration before you proceed. But, I hope that by hearing my personal experience, it will help you better understand the process, and how to approach a topic that still feels scary to talk about. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you make a quicker decision than I did!